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Publication Date

Fall 9-1-2004


Perhaps the central foundational issue of our time is the relationship of human agency and social structure. If human actors are constrained by the rules and rhetoric of the social system, how is it that those actors can yet bring about radical change in that social system? A similar puzzle exists in economics: how is it that individual transactions both maintain and transform the marketplace? This paper begins to identify common ground implicit in the work of Margaret Archer, Anthony Giddens, and Friedrich Hayek. Emergence, change, reproduction, time, agency, power, and knowledge are themes which can be read in these scholars' theories of cultural morphogenesis, structuration, and market economics.


Stephen D. Cooper. Connecting the dots: Implicit commonalities among cultural morphogenesis, structuration, and market economics. The Kentucky Journal of Communication, 23(2), Fall 2004 73-83. Reprinted with permission. © Kentucky Communication Association. All rights reserved.
