MU IR Day | Conferences | Marshall University
MU IR Day: April 11, 2013

MU IR Day: April 11, 2013


We invite you to attend Marshall University Institutional Repository (IR) Day, on Thursday, April 11, 2013 beginning at 9am. MU-IR Day is sponsored by Marshall University, and The Berkeley Electronic Press (Bepress), hosted by the West Virginia Library Association. MU-IR Day includes a continental breakfast, refreshments, lunch, and a one day program. Program topics include planning and initiation of Marshall Digital Scholar (MDS), promotion of IRs, workflow and copyright, as well as guest speakers from Kennesaw State University and The Berkeley Electronic Press.

Please click here to register.

A printable registration form is available here.

You can download a flyer by clicking here.

Browse the contents of IR Day 2013:
