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Book Chapter

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This chapter focuses on the female roles and relationships in Natalia Toledo Paz’s bilingual collection of poems, Ca gunaa gubidxa, ca gunaa guiiba’ risaca/Mujeres de sol, mujeres de oro (2002). The author sets her poems in a world, where all the themes and plots are performed by women. Natalia is the daughter of Francisco Toledo, a prominent Mexican painter, sculptor, and graphic artist, and Olga de Paz, a Zapotec weaver and hammock maker. In 2004, she was awarded a prestigious Nezahualcóyotl Prize for Indigenous-Language Literature. Her bilingual works (Zapotec/Spanish) have been recognized in numerous anthologies all over the world and translated into various languages. Toledo Paz has lived in various places, including Oaxaca City and Mexico City, dedicating her time not only to poetry, but also to the culinary arts of gourmet food and to jewelry design. Her literary and artistic production makes an intercultural bridge between her native roots and the Western world.


This book chapter includes pages 93-107 of Female Friendship: Literary and Artistic Explorations, edited by Slav Gratchev, Ida Day, and Larry Sheret, 2022, reproduced by permission of Rowman & Littlefield All rights reserved. Please contact the publisher for permission to copy, distribute or reprint.
