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Leadership needs to be redefined and explained differently in terms of what we have learned about organizational directorship during the last few decades. In addition to a new definition, a post twentieth century model of leadership needs created with steps and parameters opposite from pre-2000 thinking and philosophy. This article presents a new leadership definition and model, plus it identifies leadership parameters, steps, and lessons. Furthermore, it introduces a new concept into management/leadership/organization literature called Blended Dualism which incorporates the very latest supervisory thinking into a holistic, integrated amalgam of what initially appears to be contradictory or at least paradoxical ideas.
Recommended Citation
Sikula, Sr., Andrew, and Kim W. Chong. "Reinventing Leadership – Blended Dualism." Dias Technology Review: The International Journal for Business and IT 1, no. 1 (2004): 23-28.
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Business Administration, Management, and Operations Commons, Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods Commons
This is the authors' copy submitted for online publication. Reprinted with permission from Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies.