Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



The United States faces a revolution in the healthcare system soon, when the present coding system (ICD-9) will be replaced with what has for some years been the international standard: ICD-10. ICD-10 will provide a tremendous opportunity for better capturing the information in the increasingly complex delivery of healthcare. Although the transition to ICD-10 will undoubtedly result in substantial short-term costs, the long term benefits make the transition imperative.


A conference presentation given at the 49th MBAA International Annual Conference.

The slide presentation that accompanied the paper is included as a supplemental file. The recommended citation for the slide presentation is Johns, H., Havens, C., Robinson, D., Pothakamuri, B., Paul III, D., Coustasse, A., (2013, February). ICD-10 in the United States: Better late than never [Presentation slides]. Business and Health Administration Association Annual Conference 2013, at the 49th Annual Midwest Business Administration Association International Conference, Chicago, IL.

The conference brochure is available at

Copyright © 2013 the authors. All rights reserved.
