Participation Type


Presentation #1 Abstract

In Islam, adherents are required to perform five daily prayers, preferably in congregation, though that is not required if means are unavailable. Believers are also required to assemble on Fridays at noon, in place of the normal daily noon prayer, at a mosque or at any place that may be able to accommodate a large gathering to perform a special congressional prayer called Friday Prayer or “Salat Al-Jumua’.” This special Friday congregational prayer, Salat Al-Juma’, must consist of two main parts: a sermon and a prayer. The sermon must follow certain guidelines inherited from the practice of Prophet Muhammad as well as from his recommended actions as performed and practiced by his companions. The prayer sessions elements should be like the elements of any ordinary required prayer elements. The presentation will cover and elaborate on the Friday Sermon guidelines and principles. Areas to be address include sermon sections, content, length, and method of delivery. The outcome of this presentation is to educate interested individuals about this Islamic required act and religious duty. Another possible outcome is to clarify misconceptions or any false impression associated with this subject.

At-A-Glance Bios- Presenter #1

Majed Khader is the director of the Morrow Library at Marshall University.

Start Date

10-19-2017 3:15 PM

End Date

10-19-2017 4:15 PM

Oct 19th, 3:15 PM Oct 19th, 4:15 PM

The principles and required elements of the official Friday Sermon “Khotbat Al-Jumu’a’ in Islam

Huntington, WV

In Islam, adherents are required to perform five daily prayers, preferably in congregation, though that is not required if means are unavailable. Believers are also required to assemble on Fridays at noon, in place of the normal daily noon prayer, at a mosque or at any place that may be able to accommodate a large gathering to perform a special congressional prayer called Friday Prayer or “Salat Al-Jumua’.” This special Friday congregational prayer, Salat Al-Juma’, must consist of two main parts: a sermon and a prayer. The sermon must follow certain guidelines inherited from the practice of Prophet Muhammad as well as from his recommended actions as performed and practiced by his companions. The prayer sessions elements should be like the elements of any ordinary required prayer elements. The presentation will cover and elaborate on the Friday Sermon guidelines and principles. Areas to be address include sermon sections, content, length, and method of delivery. The outcome of this presentation is to educate interested individuals about this Islamic required act and religious duty. Another possible outcome is to clarify misconceptions or any false impression associated with this subject.