"Therapeutic Electromagnetic Field Effects on Angiogenesis and Tumor Gr" by C. Douglas Williams, Marko S. Markov et al.

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Background: A new approach to cancer therapy based on the application of therapeutic electromagnetic fields (TEMF) has been developed by EMF Therapeutics, Inc., Chattanooga, TN, USA. This study was designed to assess the effect of TEMF on tumor vascularization and growth of murine 16/C mammmary adenocarcinoma cells in C3H/HeJ mice.

Materials and Methods: Implanted tumors were allowed to grow for seven days until the tumor volume reached 100 mm3 before treatment was started. Mice (20 per control, 10 per EMF exposed group) received treatment (10 minutes per day with 0, 10 mT, 15 mT or 20 mT) with a 120 pulses per second pulsating magnetic field. Tumor growth was assessed throughout the treatment period. The extent of tumor vascularization was evaluated by immrmohistochemical staining for CD31.

Results: Exposure to TEMF significantly reduced tumor growth, significantly reduced the percentage of area stained for CD31 indicating a reduction in the extent of vascularization and there was a concomitant increase in the extent of tumor necrosis.

Conclusion: A novel TEMF treatment safely reduced growth and vasculadzalion of implanted breast cancers in mice.

Implication: TEMF may prove a useful adjuvant to increase the therapeutic index of conventional cancer therapy.


This article first appeared in the 2001 issue of Anticancer Research, the member magazine of the International Institute of Anticancer Research, and is reprinted with permission.

Copyright © 2001 - International Institute of Anticancer Research (J.G. Delinassios)
