
Eric Johnson

Date of Award


Degree Name

Exercise Science


College of Science

Type of Degree


Document Type


First Advisor

R. Daniel Martin

Second Advisor

Thomas Jeffrey Chandler

Third Advisor

Leonard J. Deutsch


Ankle injuries are the most common and frequent occurring injuries in sports today (Feuerbach, Grabiner & Koh, 1994). Ankle sprains usually occur in athletes that are participating in running or jumping activities. Injuries to the ankle joint represent about 20% of all sports related injuries, and 15% of all time lost injuries (Payne, Berg, & Latin, 1997). The majority of the sprains to the ankle occur to the lateral ligamentous structures due to the forcefully plantar flexion and inversion of the talocrural joint. This inversion mechanism accounts for 85% of all ankle sprains (Kinzey, Ingersoll, & Knight, 1997). Often after an initial ankle sprain, athletes report feeling as if their ankle is unstable. This “feeling” is due to the decrease in proprioception and peroneal muscle strength (Bermier, Perrin, & Rijke, 1997). The loss of proprioception is proportional to the amount of ligament damage to the joint (Glencross & Thornton, 1981).

The purpose of this study was to determine the most efficient method for increasing proprioception and strength in the peroneal muscle group.


Isokinetic exercise – Research.

Sports injuries.


Sports accidents.
