Date of Award


Degree Name

Leadership Studies


Graduate School of Education and Professional Development

Type of Degree


Document Type


First Advisor

Dr. Tom Hisiro, Committee Chairperson

Second Advisor

Dr. Bobbi Nicholson

Third Advisor

Dr. Douglas Sturgeon


This present study utilized a phenomenological design to investigate administrators’ perceptions of barriers to student attendance, current approaches to mitigating or removing those barriers, and the extent to which those approaches were effective. This study utilized interviews with area administrators where they were able to provide detailed responses to questions aligned with the research questions. Results found that, in this region of Ohio, administrators believed the biggest barrier to student attendance was parental support and transportation. Through the implementation of multiple innovative and out-of-the-box strategies, administrators felt strongly about the future success of the implementation of state required attendance supports such as the Early Warning Systems and implementation of Ohio House Bill 410. It is essential to implement strategies with fidelity, build the relationship between parents and the school, and targeting at risk students earlier to decrease the percentage of chronic absenteeism.


School attendance.

School administrators.

Scioto County (Ohio)
