Shop While You Talk: Determinants of Purchase Intentions through a Mobile Device

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As mobile devices become ubiquitous in consumers' lives they are starting to play a major role in consumers' shopping experiences. However, the relatively slow off-take in mobile purchasing has perplexed researchers. Research in marketing and retailing has predominantly focused on consumer characteristics to predict mobile shopping without considering the interdependencies between user personality, perceptions and attitudes toward technology in general and mobile shopping in particular. This study adopts an integrative approach by combining TAM and TRI to predict attitudes toward mobile shopping and purchase behavior through mobile devices. The authors argue that user personality traits toward technology influence user perception toward mobile shopping, which in turn impact user attitudes toward mobile shopping leading to purchase behavior. The study not only demonstrates support for this three-stage process, but also identifies key personality and perception variables that marketers could use to segment and target consumers that have a greater proclivity toward mobile shopping.


This article is open access from the publisher at Copyright © 2013 Journal of Mobile Marketing.
