Jim Deeter
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This interview is one of a series conducted concerning the Kanawha County textbook controversy. Note, this contains several different interviews, dated March 15 and March 19 of 1985. The subject of this interview is the Kanawha County textbook controversy, where numerous people protested materials taught in school that they believed immoral, resulting in some violence. In this interview, Mrs. Wood discusses her background, the selection process for textbooks, her views on Alice Moore and other people involved in the protest, why the books were viewed as offensive, racism, and the violence that erupted.
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Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-239.
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Marshall University Special Collections, OH64-239, Huntington, WV.

Library of Congress Subjects
Wood, Nellie Teaford, -- Autobiography.
John Birch Society -- Oral histories.
Education -- West Virginia -- Oral histories.
Challenged books -- West Virginia -- Oral histories.
Sex educators -- Oral histories.