Jennifer Stock
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This interview is one of a series conducted with former employees of the Huntington Owens-Illinois, Inc. glass bottle factory. Birdie Wolfe was an employee at the Owens Illinois Glass Plant. She discusses: her personal history; her experiences at the Owens Glass Plant; a brief section on how she met her husband; a brief section on clothing; co-workers; health care and employee benefits; a small section on politics and government; gender equality at the plant; a very brief mention of trade unions; some discussion of her family; and other topics.
Publication Date
Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-706.
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Recommended Citation
Marshall University Special Collections, OH64-706, Huntington, WV.

Library of Congress Subjects
Wolfe, Birdie, 1924- -- Autobiography.
Owens-Illinois, Inc. Glass Container Division (Huntington, W. Va.) -- Oral histories.
Glass container industry -- Huntington (W. Va.) -- Oral histories.
Glass factories -- Huntington (W. Va.) -- Oral histories.
Fort Dix (N.J.) -- Oral histories.