Jesse Womack
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This interview is one of a series conducted concerning West Virginia Vietnam veterans. Silas Mullins Jr. was born in McDowell County (WV), was raised in Wyoming County (WV), attended Plymale High School, entered the Army in 1964, and was discharged in 1967. There is a very brief section on boot camp and basic training, but the bulk of the interview contains detailed information about serving in Vietnam. He provides much discussion about combat, the Viet Cong, the Vietnamese People, and his opinions about the Vietnam War in general. However, there are numerous smaller topics contained in this interview, including: his first impressions on the country, orientation sessions, soldiers of other ethnicities, celebrities coming to Vietnam, entertainment and recreation the American soldiers had, drugs and alcohol, the black market in Vietnam, helicopters, medics, how he was treated when he returned, movies about Vietnam, Agent Orange, draft resisters, the anti-war movement, the Vietnam Memorial, his opinions about the draft, and other subjects. There is also a brief section about Wyoming County and many other topics as well.
Publication Date
Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-735.
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Recommended Citation
Marshall University Special Collections, OH64-735, Huntington, WV.

Library of Congress Subjects
Mullins, Silas, Jr. -- Autobiography.
United States. Army -- Oral histories.
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Veterans -- Oral histories.
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Protest movements -- Oral histories.
Carnivals -- Oral histories.