Karen Hall
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Alice Hall was born in December 1897 in Cabell County, WV. She lived with her grandfather on a farm in Putnam County, WV, after the death of her parents. During her interview, she discusses quilting and peddling food items in Huntington, WV, with her grandparents, the lack of supplies during World War I, and the rationing of sugar and coffee during World War II. She also focuses on folk medicine, with emphasis on the herbs and barks her uncle used to make medicines. In the audio clip provided, Mrs. Hall discusses food preservation, specifically making apple butter and preserves.
Publication Date
Summer 7-7-1974
Quilting, Farm Life, Food Preservation, Folk Medicine, Railroads, U.S. History, West Virginia
Alternative and Complementary Medicine | American Material Culture | Appalachian Studies | Cultural History | Military History | Oral History | Social History | United States History
Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-144. This interview was conducted by Karen Hall. MDS exhibit prepared by Jennifer Gehringer, August, 2014.
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Recommended Citation
Marshall University Special Collections, OH64-144, Huntington, WV.

Included in
Alternative and Complementary Medicine Commons, American Material Culture Commons, Appalachian Studies Commons, Cultural History Commons, Military History Commons, Oral History Commons, Social History Commons, United States History Commons
Library of Congress Subjects
Hall, Alice, 1897- -- Autobiography. Family -- Huntington (W. Va.) -- Oral histories. Quilting -- Huntington (W. Va.) -- Oral histories. Farm life -- Huntington (W. Va.) -- Oral histories. Canning and preserving -- Huntington (W. Va.) -- Oral histories. Folk medicine -- Huntington (W. Va.) -- Oral histories. Huntington (W. Va.) -- History.