"Organizational Leadership in Academic Libraries : Identifying Culture " by Monica Garcia Brooks

Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


College of Education

Type of Degree


Document Type


First Advisor

Dennis M. Anderson

Second Advisor

Andrew Sikula

Third Advisor

Jerry Jones


The purpose of this study is to identify organizational culture types and leadership roles among research and non-research libraries in higher education institutions in the United States and to reveal trends that can assist in enacting needed organizational change. Organizational culture and leadership are two intertwined concepts that are strongly aligned with the human element of any supervisory experience. According to Crosby, they help “nurture effective and humane organizations” (Crosby, 2004). This research project sought to test the claims brought forth by library researchers such as Kaarts-Brown et al. in which they reported a tie between the library manager’s ability to shift leadership roles to the overall effectiveness of the organization’s culture (2004, p. 38). It also examined possible models to aid libraries in diagnosing and making change that can influence organizational culture in positive ways. Application of Cameron and Quinn’s Competing Values Framework (CVF) by use of the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) provided a method for identifying culture and leadership roles among 625 academic library respondents. One hundred higher education libraries affiliated with the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) were compared to 123 similar-sized non-research oriented colleges and universities. The library literature stresses that budgetary constraints cause great difficulties among libraries of all types in this country. It also states that library science education does little to prepare its leaders to tackle this wide-spread crisis. This research project attempted to reveal the impact budget may have on culture and if education has any bearing on leadership traits and if one library type displays cultures or leadership roles that are desirable. Significant differences were revealed for several of the variables studied. Revealing culture types or library organizations and the leadership roles of their chief officers can aid in the diagnosis of effective or ineffective organizations. Once types and roles are identified, strategies can be suggested to meet institutional goals in spite of budget problems. With no state-supported economic relief anticipated for higher education in the near future, identifying creative strategies for library directors to employ may aid them in becoming more effective managers. Cameron and Quinn assert that effective managers beget effective leaders, who in turn can invoke positive change within their organizations (2006, p. 81).
