Marshall University offers advanced degrees and certificates in more than 50 master's, post-master's, doctoral, and professional development programs. The graduate mission of Marshall University is to provide quality educational opportunities at times and places convenient to students, employing alternative delivery systems and rich learning resources. The institution promotes excellence in instruction, research and public service in the interest of enhancing the intellectual, professional, and personal growth of students, faculty, and staff. For more information, visit the Graduate College
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Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Navigating loyalty: exploring perceptions in family-owned businesses, Elisabeth Ann Arthur
Investing in leaders to support neurodiversity at work, Beth M. Houran
Persistence is not key: a study on the relationship between the persistence of going concern opinion Type I errors and investor confidence, Christin Kooti
On the Gumbel-Weibull{Cauchy} distribution, Jennifer D. Pippin
Opening the door, but not entering: adult college students who apply, but do not enroll, Juliette Punchello
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
The effects of management control systems and innovation presence on bank efficiency, Marjorie M. Abney
Bounded point derivations on Roadrunner sets, Evan Abshire
Mark-recapture methods in eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) monitoring, Carissa J. Adams
The comparison of different wetland fish assemblages over time, Robert Edward Adelstein
A statewide study of secondary CTE policies, practices, and procedures, Avery D. Anderson
The impact of telestroke services on diagnosis, patient outcomes, and treatment, Dustin Baum
Agriculture and natural resources microcredentials to support workforce development in southwestern West Virginia, Hannah Blake
Factors that influence small mammal long bone morphology: An analysis of the femora, tibiae, and humeri of the eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), Tyler Everette Blake
An analysis of corporate social responsibility and real earnings management, Rachel Brassine
Survival of regional theater in a post-COVID America, Sasha Brätt
An assessment of the utilization of the national opportunity to learn standards in middle-level music education, Taylor Brooke Browning
Impact of the methamphetamine epidemic on healthcare, Amanda Brumfield
Early career engineers’ perspective on leadership competency development in undergraduate education, Tracey Ann Carbonetto
Promoting civil discourse in the honors forum through argument mapping and systematic empathy, Sean Michael Cassidy
Good times, bad times: Small business social responsibility and community crisis response in small to midsized communities, Amber Monique Chatelain
On the brink: Unveiling the crisis of burnout among VA clinic physicians, Aaron Clarke
Numerical design, fabrication, and characterization of porous tissue scaffolds for bone regeneration, Brandon Coburn
Bridging the gap: Evaluating the impact of buprenorphine-based prenatal care on neonatal abstinence syndrome and maternal health, Whitney-Lanae Crofcheck-Glenn and Jennifer Nethercutt
The kids are not alright: teachers’ perspectives on social and emotional learning in diverse populations, Siobhan Dalrymple
How increased ransomware attacks have impacted hospitals in the United States, Mackenzie Dotson
Burnout for general surgeons, Luke Edwards and Lindsay McKelvey
Changes in special education teacher roles while implementing one-to-one devices in rural secondary public schools, Heather Farley
Metabolic dependence of and morphological differences between tardigrade cryptobioses, Brendin Bailey Flinn
Microhabitat selection of adult female eastern diamondback rattlesnakes (Crotalus adamanteus) in the Carolinas, Matthew Gacheny
Educators’ beliefs about using academic acceleration with gifted math students and others: Barriers and opportunities, Jason Gorgia
Mothers' perceptions of stigma: Implications for early identification and treatment for children with a history of prenatal opioid exposure, Pamela Jane Holland
Compassion fatigue in school principals as a contributing factor to school principal burnout, Donald D. Howard, Jr.
Occupancy of the Little Grass Frog (Pseudacris ocularis), an overlooked longleaf endemic, in a managed landscape, Anna M. Humphrey
The benefits of medical Tetrahydrocannabinol on glaucoma, Hunter Kane
Don't make me look bad: A study on the relationship between CEO narcissism and opinion shopping, Ali Jon Kooti
On the transmuted distributions; properties and application, Jacob D. Kretzer
Charged excitons and trions in the semiconductor quantum dot: electronic structure and effect of external fields, Jayden Leonard
Place matters: The role of public libraries as change agents in Central Appalachia, Jasmyne R. Lewis
An exploration of teacher perception and practices of using assessment data to improve achievement of equity student groups, Laurie Mazelin
AI and its use in cancer treatment, Marlee McDaniel and Mikayla Toppins
Modulation of diet-induced gut inflammation in slowing initiation of hematologic malignancies, Esther Nyarkoa Mensah
Inflammatory protein elicitation in response to whole-body vibration exposure, Nicholas Miller
Assessing the relationship between contralateral limb synergy and rock climbing efficiency, Jeromy Miramontes
Is long-term survival higher in patients who receive propofol-based total intravenous anesthesia during colorectal cancer surgery compared to volatile anesthesia, Shad Anthony Mitchell
Assessment of prestressed concrete beams: advancing non-destructive testing methods for enhanced bridge evaluation, Felipe Mota Ruiz
Beyond poverty: exploring the spatial variability and healthcare determinants of opioid mortality in West Virginia, Opeyemi Ojo
Factors associated with acoustic bat presence during spring emergence in the Appalachian Mountains of western Virginia, Emily Kirk Pody
Educator perceptions of appropriate social media practices, Amanda Hope Preece
Effects of gonadal hormones on sensory and cognitive tasks, John Prentice
Increasing the efficacy of Actinomycin D with Resveratrol in Aerodigestive tract cancers, Lukmon Morenikeji Raji
Thymidine phosphorylase is a promising target in SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-enhanced thrombosis, Renat Roytenberg
Policing impacts on racial and regional oppression in Appalachia, Grace Simpson
Design of multi-objective and optimal sliding mode controller for tracking knee joint angle during squatting and normal gait motion, Gabriel Sitler
Naloxone and dexmedetomidine reversal of the effects of methamphetamine and fentanyl co-administration, Wesley R. Tackett
Black principals’ navigation of politically conservative challenges to public school curricula: effects on administrator attrition, Hamisi Tarrant
Assessing the impact of human resource management (HRM) practices on organizational commitment: An examination of the role of temporal focus, Monty Clint Taylor
Assessing the effectiveness of goal-directed versus stimulus driven visual search training at improving goalkeepers’ penalty kick save responses, Annabelle Treacy
The measure of efficiency and effectiveness when using artificial intelligence (AI) in radiology, Jordan Watts
Role of insulin-like growth factor-1 signaling in diet-enhanced bone elongation, Cassaundra A. White
Chronic absenteeism in Ohio: an analysis of four school districts in Scioto County, Ohio, Gregory Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Hospitality and Seminary culture: a phenomenological study on the presence and practice of hospitality between Seminary leaders and students, Jesse Matthew Adams
Training future hybrid nonprofit social enterprise leaders: a research-based instructional needs analysis, Robert Woodrow Adams
The impact of leveled literacy kits on family engagement and school-to-home connections: stakeholders’ perceptions, Donna Atwood
The simulation of elastic wave propagation in presence of void in the subsurface, Brittany Ballengee
Assessing the unionid assemblage of the Robert C. Byrd Pool, Ohio River, Ethan Hunter Bellamy
Therapy dog utilization on a university campus and the effects on stress, anxiety, and university connection, Mistie M. Bibbee
Take Their Feet off Our Necks: A Descriptive Study of Sexual Harassment in Higher Education, Megan Michelle Bolter
Pastor self-perceived preparedness and training to model and lead sensitivity in their congregations and spiritually lead LGBTQ individuals: a qualitative study of pastors of the Potomac Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God, Tina L. Boswell-Stickley
Implications of Twitter during its use in public health practice involving the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, Mia Casingal
Leading toward solutions to America’s overcrowding and underfunding environmental preservation issues, James Seth Caudill
Impact of Medicaid expansion on substance abuse treatment, Kyle Chapman
Long term substance abuse programs and COVID, Randall Craft
A path planning framework for multi-agent robotic systems based on multivariate skew-normal distributions, Peter Estephan
Inhibition of the mTOR signaling pathway in clear cell renal cell carcinoma cells, Samaneh Farimand
The opioid epidemic: Effects on recidivism in West Virginia, Emilee Frye and Elizabeth Williams
Characterizing the vegetation and effects of climate change on Parris Island, a sea island ecosystem, Cody Hart Goodson
Prenatal buprenorphine exposure reduces expression of myelin proteins in neonatal longs-Evans rat, Christopher James Grahe
The Impact of Big Data Utilization on Quality Improvement in Inpatient Facilities, Lakyn Hare
A mixed-method triangular approach to best practices in combating plagiarism and impersonation in online bachelor’s degree programs, Alice Elizabeth Johnson Stephens
Graduate-level leadership training for speech-language pathologists: perceptions, attitudes, and potential effect on career, Sandra Kemper
Evaluating behavioral intention to increase classroom Geotechnology usage following geoinquiry implementation, Erika S. Klose
Benefits of medical THC for neurological disorders in the U.S., Andrew Lester and Alexandria Gartin
The epidemic of opioid usage in West Virginia, Kendra Lester and Carrington Hatfield
Impact of state-led surveillance programs on neonatal abstinence syndrome, Patricia Lewis
The purpose of and factors in interim assessments in grades 3-8, Joseph J. Mastracci
Pharmacology of disulfiram as an antibacterial agent, Yogesh Meka
Identifying hazardous patterns in MSHA data using random forests, Olivia Milam
The voice of community: nurturing personal and professional communities on Voxer among AP Literature teachers during the pandemic, Tia D. Miller
High body mass index changes Peri-tumor adipose tissue which in turn promotes triple negative breast cancer, Cora Elizabeth Miracle
Understanding hospital chargemasters : impact on healthcare finance, Alesia Moorman