Marshall University offers advanced degrees and certificates in more than 50 master's, post-master's, doctoral, and professional development programs. The graduate mission of Marshall University is to provide quality educational opportunities at times and places convenient to students, employing alternative delivery systems and rich learning resources. The institution promotes excellence in instruction, research and public service in the interest of enhancing the intellectual, professional, and personal growth of students, faculty, and staff. For more information, visit the Graduate College
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Theses/Dissertations from 2021
American Mythology: How Storytelling Shapes Modern Cultural Perceptions, Kristin Maynard
Corequisite Mathematics: A Program Analysis at the College Level, Shannon Miller-Mace
Side-to-differences of medial elbow anatomy adaptations in youth throwing athletes, Rudolph Matthew Morrow
Role of Na/K-ATPase Non-enzymatic Signaling in Renal Proximal Tubule Sodium Transport, Shreya Tapan Mukherji
Do needle exchange programs cause more harm to injection drug users and compromise the safety of the communities in which they are in place?, Amber L. Payne
Filling the Middle Skills Gap: Increasing Silver-Level Career Readiness Certificate Attainment in Mississippi, Steven Wayne Pickering
Through Their Eyes: An Analysis of Misrepresentation in Popular Lesbian Television Narratives, Delana Janine Price
The Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals on Plants, Christian Mathew Pridemore
The Effect of scapular dyskinesis on Army combat fitness test scores and shoulder function in Army ROTC cadets, Kirstin Ann Schwart
"Our Women Are Made of the Right Stuff": Gender, Politics, and Conflict in Civil War West Virginia, Amanda Romain Shaver
Identifying relationships between upper extremity function and Army combat fitness test scores in the reserve 'officers' training corps population, Lianne Marie Shroba
The effects of fire on oak-forest plant communities along soil moisture gradients: a 25-year study, Rebekah Frances Shupe
A Water Quality and Contaminant Source Assessment of Arbuckle Creek in Fayette County, West Virginia, Sarah Ashby Simonton
Environmental participation and evaluation on Marshall University's campus, Noah Adkins Smentkowski
From crib to bench: understanding Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS) using a novel rodent model, Sarah Stevens
“A Constant Reminder to All”: Remembering Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson in West Virginia, Steven Cody Straley
School Psychology Shortages in West Virginia, Elizabeth Anne Sutfin
Association of electronic prescription in controlled substances used, Archana Suwal and Jemima Akinyi Okonjo
Drug delivery systems: exploring rheological properties and therapeutic effect of 5-FU chitosan gel for topical wound healing, Samuel Tetteh-Quarshie
The Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Injuries within the Center for Wellness in the Arts at Marshall University, Colin John Wakeman
Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading for Networked Microgrids, Jonathan David Warner
An Analysis of Estimated Costs Versus Actual Costs in USACE Section 14 Emergency Streambank Protection Projects, Hunter Waugaman
Adaptation of the Brockton High School literacy initiative to elementary schools in Jackson County, West Virginia, Sonya Jane White
Wastewater Treatment Plant’s Effectiveness at Treating Fecal Coliforms on the Lower Kanawha River, Christina Elaine Whitt
A Molecular Dynamic Study on the Piezoelectric Properties of Bulk ZnS And Nanobelts, Rui Xie
Artificial Intelligence Aided Receiver Design for Wireless Communication Systems, Wenjie Xu
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Impact in Hospitalization of Mental Health Patients with Dual Diagnosis as it Pertains to Medicaid and Treatment with MAT Services, Amanda Akmentins
The Scope of Telepsychiatry on Health Care Services in the United States, Abdulmajeed Alropaish and Itzamna Kukulkan Castaneda Medina
Mechanisms of Dopamine-Induced Methamphetamine Neurotoxicity, Melinda L. Asbury
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in a West Virginia Juvenile Justice School: A Case Study, Johnathan Matthew Baldwin
Laboratory Investigation on the Effects of Conductivity on the Sensitive Early Life Stages of Fishes from the Appalachian Region, Logan Ryan Beach
Shadow smoke: A nonfiction collection on memories lost, taken, and storied, Sarah Ann Canterbury
Luminescence Emission in a Nanocrystal Doped by a Transition Metal Impurity, George Chappell Jr.
Multi-objective Optimization of Multi-loop Control Systems, Yuekun Chen
Opioid Epidemic in West Virginia, Brianna Cole
First Grade Educators' Perceptions of Their Confidence to Integrate the West Virginia Mathematical Habits of Mind into Classroom Practices, Monica Lynn DellaMea
Medical Tourism: The Impact of Cost and Wait Time in Relation to Cardiac Surgeries Among Individuals in the United States, Karen Eberechukwu
340B Program Utilization in Rural US Clinics, William Finley and Heather M. Kruel
Online Public School: A Study of the Parent's Perspective, Valery Nicole Harper
Perceptions of Student Organization Advisors Regarding Hazing and Antihazing Law, Paul Andrew Hermansdorfer
Southern fox squirrel (Sciurus niger niger) foraging behavior and population dynamics, John Huang
Dysfunctional Mitochondrial Biogenesis: A Potential Underlying Cause For Metabolic Diseases, Caroline Ann Hunter
Markov Chain Epidemic Models and Parameter Estimation, Oluwatobiloba Ige
The Effectiveness of Long-distance Translocation of Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes (Crotalus Adamanteus), Allison Grace Kelley
Robust multi-objective design of suspension systems, Muhammad Ali Khan
Role of ATP1A1 in Skeletal Muscle Growth and Metabolism, Laura C. Kutz
DroneSig: Lightweight Digital Signature Protocol for Micro Aerial Vehicles, Yucheng Li
Reflections of hope: the history, development, and growth of service learning at an urban Catholic High School in West Virginia, Susan Divita Malinoski
Future trends of nursing homes, Thomas Wade Martin and Kristopher Clark
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) Ambush Site Selection in Coastal Saltwater Marshes, Emily Rebecca Mausteller
Pediatric Opioid Endemic, Olivia Maynard and Molly Watson
EYECOM: an innovative approach for computer interaction, Anam Mazhar
Perceptions of academic benefits of work-integrated learning among West Virginia community and technical college students, Laura Leslie McCullough
United States Medicaid and Pharmacy Fraud: An Unintended Consequence of the Affordable Care Act, Sean McDaniel and Drew Blakely
Consequences for Public School Truancy and Whether They Affect Student Attendance in West Virginia Counties: A Comprehensive Study, Matthew Jacob Messer
The Use of Postural Aggression in Intimate Partner Relationships: What Is it and Is it Being Recognized as "Abuse" by Intimate Partners, Elizabeth Gentry Myers
Authentic Perspectives on Autistic Resilience: Implications for Schools and Society, Andrew Nelson
Financial Consequences of Covid-19 for U.S. Hospitals, Laura Petty and Trevor Mullins
A Case Study of the West Virginia Remote Online Collaborative Knowledge System, Kandas Ann Queen
Teacher Unrest in West Virginia, 2018-2019, Lindsey D. Reed
Impact on Hospital Profitability Due to COVID Safety Guidelines, Khaja Umair Shariff and Anna Noel Franklin
Using book clubs to encourage middle school reading interest: a qualitative case study, Marc Shoemaker
Stakeholders' perception of a successful campus for former foster care children attending post secondary education programs, Jeffrey Lee Shrewsbury
Revision of the Genus Styxosaurus and Relationships of the Late Cretaceous Elasmosaurids (Sauropterygia: Plesiosauria) of the Western Interior Seaway, Elliott Armour Smith
Self-contained and Departmental Educational Delivery Systems: A Case Study of Differences in Student Achievement and Behavior, Robert Eugene Smith III
A Systematic Literature Survey of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based Structural Health Monitoring, Sreehari Sreenath
Slasher Films and Self-Harm: A Relationship of Self-Hatred and Trauma, Stevie Lee Steers
Utilization of Telepsychiatry to Combat the Opioid Crisis in the United States, Haley Tallarico
How Orientation Programs at West Virginia Community Colleges Affect Mid-level Administrators' Perceptions of Adjunct Faculty Quality, Gina M. Taylor
School administrator perceptions and actions toward reducing mental health factors to learning, Andrew Charles Teti
First-Year Seminar Delivery Method Effect on Student Success at an Appalachian Open-Enrollment Institution, Anthony Michael Underwood
Special Education Teachers’ Perceptions of the Predictors for Improving Post School Outcomes for Students with Disabilities, Ann Marie Wilkinson
Faculty Perceptions and Teaching Practices for Transformative Change: Culturally Responsive Teaching in Pharmacy Education, Nicole Rockich Winston
Quaternary Hydrides Pd1-y-zAgyCuzHx Embedded Atom Method Potentials for Hydrogen Energy Applications, Chaonan Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
I wish school was like this: one teacher's journey towards creating a student-led learning space, Angela Dawn Abbott
Statistical Analysis of Tandem Queues With Markovian Passages in Porous Mediums, Gboyega David Adepoju
Role of cytochrome P450 2B6 polymorphisms in unexpected methadone death, Taha Ahmad
Understanding Pseudomonas aeruginosa Alginate Regulation and its Link to Chronic Lung Infections in Cystic Fibrosis Patients, Roy Al Ahmar
Endogenous Antioxidant Overexpression as an Adjuvant to Diet or Exercise Intervention as Therapy to Counteract Obesity and Beneficially Shift the Gut Microbiome, Deborah Lynn Amos
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Rural Emergency Medical Services Personnel, Nicole Elizabeth Bailey
Performing Arts and Performance Anxiety, Jacklyn Sue Bascomb
Synthesis of 1,3-DI(4-Pyridinyl)Acetone, Zachary Tyler Boggs
Effects of Professional Learning Communities on Instructional Revisions in Secondary Mathematics Classrooms, John Kenneth Bond
Analytic modeling of eccentric binary black holes : from inspiral to merger, Dillon Paige Buskirk
The effect of moderate alcohol consumption on sodium-dependent nutrient co-transport in intestinal epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo, Molly Rae Butts
Perceived exertion and the increase in risk of injury in ROTC cadets, Courtney D. Chiaramonte
Rural hospital health in the United States, Stephanie Cole and Kathleen Lanham
Collectivism in central Appalachia: Educational and career implications, Heidi Leigh Creamer
From darkness to light: an exploration of self-discovery and healing through collaborative recovery expressive writing, Leighann Justice Davidson
A Study of Administrator Training for School Security Events, Maria V. Eshenaur
Hybrid Excitations in Organic-Semiconductor Materials, David W. Facemyer
The Perceptions and Effects of Schools' Names on Black Professional Educators and Their Students, Gregg Suzanne Ferguson
Potential Applications of Capsaicinoids in Small Cell Lung Cancer Therapy, Jamie Rae Friedman
The Effectiveness of Nutrition Education: Comparing Registered Dietitian Educators with Dietetic Interns, Amy Gannon
The Effect of Serratus Anterior Fatigue on Scapular Kinematics, Nathan Curtis Harrison
Fixing journalism's credibility problem: lessons from the Lippman-Dewey debate, James Michael Hoyle