Marshall University offers advanced degrees and certificates in more than 50 master's, post-master's, doctoral, and professional development programs. The graduate mission of Marshall University is to provide quality educational opportunities at times and places convenient to students, employing alternative delivery systems and rich learning resources. The institution promotes excellence in instruction, research and public service in the interest of enhancing the intellectual, professional, and personal growth of students, faculty, and staff. For more information, visit the Graduate College
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Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Exploring the Perspectives and Experiences of Physicians in WV who Prescribe Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) to Patients with Opioid use Disorder (OUD), Kimberly Ann White
An investigation of the relationship between selected superintendent attributes and instructional leadership practices, Leatha G. Williams
Using Environmental DNA and Occupancy Modeling to Examine Drivers of Eastern Hellbender Extirpation and Sampling Method Efficiency in West Virginia, Sean Michael Wineland
Teachers' practices and perceptions concerning the implementation of inquiry-based instruction in middle school science, Jill E. Wood
Design and simulation of a pneumatic actuator bending soft robotics based on 3D printing, Chenyu Zheng
Smartphone-Based Self Rescue System for Disaster Rescue, Xitong Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Thematic patterning in English and Arabic and its implications on translation, Saud Abdulrahman Alshehri
Perceptions of the athletic training profession by a collegiate athlete patient population, Bethany Estelle Beuhring
Music of the “Cult of Whitman”: Charles Villiers Stanford's Elegiac Ode, Jacob Bird
A learning model of community collaboration in West Virginia, Tracy L. Bradley
Bad things to good people: Stories, Christopher Ryne Brewer
Smoke and Silver: Money, Credit, and the Failure of Economic Diversification in the Seventeenth Century Virgina, Christopher Calton
The Effects of Rape Myth Acceptance, Benevolent Sexism, Characterological Self-Blame, and Behavioral Self-blame on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Severity, Jacob Whitaker Camp
A Study of the Influence of Branded Messages on Non-branded Food Items When Presented to 10 to 14-year-old Children, Cassandra J. Chinn
Familial Attitudes and Behaviors as Predictors of Transgenderism, Angela Dawn Cockrell
A Study of the WV Judges' Truancy Program Used in Eight WV Counties from 2012-2015, Lori Gibson Comer
Planet Superman: An ecocritical analysis of the Man of Steel from 1938-2017, Justin Hart Crary
The Assessment of Medial Stability of the Elbow Using Sonography and Three Clinical Tests, Andrew Michael DeMoss
A comparative analysis of stress responses in diverse Acanthamoeba isolates, Mallory Jean Douthitt
Sensitivity Analysis of Wolf Restoration in Yellowstone Nation Park Using Omnivory Models, Derek Fields
Employing the enzyme cofactor function of ascorbic acid to affect oncogenic pathways in human melanoma: modulating Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α and DNA demethylation to reduce malignant potential, Adam Patrick Fischer
The Power to Overcome: The Resistance and Resiliency of Black Motherhood, Nathan Full
Doxorubicin Cytotoxicity in a Human Proximal Tubular Epithelial Cell Line was Attenuated by the Natural Product Resveratrol, Morghan Schuyler Getty
Career Paths, Barriers, and Professional Experiences: A Comparison Study of Physical Therapy Program Directors in the United States, Tamara Nancy Gravano
Intraoperative Administration of Intravenous Acetaminophen at Induction or End of Surgery and its Relationship with Opioid Consumption and Pain Scores, Spencer Davis Greenwood
Principal and Faculty Senate Chair Perceptions of Faculty Senate Participation in Teacher Hiring in West Virginia Schools, Sarah Elizabeth Grose
Creating a Female Athlete: The Power of Societal Reimaging and Advertising in the All American Girls Professional Baseball League, Kaitlyn M. Haines
"United We'll Win our Stand": The Role of Focalization in Representing Solidarity in the Anthems of Three Holocaust Concentration Camps, Hillary Louise Herold
The Role of Evidence-Based Research in the Decision-Making Process as Perceived by Local Board of Education Policymakers in West Virginia, Elizabeth Anne Hoylman
"The Whole Building Is A Classroom": An Oral History of a School's Role in the Culture of the Community, Valerie Free Jones
The Influence on Morbidity and Mortality when Blood Products are Transfused using Conventional Coagulation Tests Versus TEG or ROTEM in Trauma Patients Perioperatively, Teresa Diana Kelley
A comparison of self-perceived test-taking motivation on large scale high- and low-stakes tests, Randall Joseph King
Desperate and Determined Men: West Virginia's Lincoln County Feud, Brandon Ray Kirk
Forging a Bluegrass Commonwealth: The Kentucky Statehood Movement and the Politics of the Trans-Appalachian West, 1783–1792, Christopher L. Leadingham
Examining Risk Perceptions and Efficacy for Healthy Weight Management among Appalachian College-Aged Students: A Test and Extension of the Risk-Perception-Attitude Framework, Victoria Ann Ledford
Formal and Functional Linguistic Properties of ESL Textbooks, Jessica Shea Lewis
Local Sensitivity Analysis of Acute Inflammation, James Martin
The effects of flexor pronator mass fatigue on medial elbow stability, Nathaniel Harvey Millard
The effects of community type and sexual orientation on adolescent alcohol abuse: A retrospective exploration, Karla Beth Moore
Tenofovir Induced Nephrotoxicity: A Mechanistic Study, Rachel A. Murphy
Professional development for the West Virginia School Psychologists Association, Andrea Nunn
“Fence-line” contrast soundscape study of forested lands in Allegany State Park and Allegheny National Forest: Is there an impact of oil and gas development on an eastern forest soundscape?, Kasey Lynne Osborne
The Pareto-g Extended Weibull Distribution, Oluwaseun Elizabeth Otunuga
Establishing environmental variability in the toxins produced by a single strain of prymnesium parvum, Amy Parsons-White
Balance score card in health care organization, Vani Pathuri and Huanyu Wang
Is interoperability a hindrance to the nationwide health information exchange (NHIE)?, Nitesh Patil and Sruthi Katamneni
The Perceptions of College Foreign Language Students Concerning their High School Foreign Language Preparation, Bryan M. Pickens
Douglass High School: Students' Perspectives on Attending a Segregated School, Lee Ann Hvizdak Porter
Effectiveness of Essentials for College Math as a High School Transitional Course, Jennifer S. Riggleman
School-based evaluations for students with intellectual disabilities: is "sufficiently comprehensive" good enough?, Elizabeth E. Robinson
The combinatorics of modified Macdonald polynomials, Jacob Rodeheffer
In the Company of Angels: Expressions of Personal Autonomy, Authority, and Agency in Early Anglo-Saxon Monasticism, William Tanner Smoot
The "Noble Savage" in American Music and Literature, 1790-1855, Jacob Mathew Somers
Telemedicine and its Utilization in the Management of Chronic Heart Failure Patients, Adejoke Sotome and Chirra Pooja
Weihrauch Reducibility and Finite-Dimensional Subspaces, Sean Sovine
"We're Human": An Analysis of Formal and Informal Training Methods for Direct Care Staff Working with Dual-Diagnosis Populations, Adam Clay Stephenson
Terror and territory: A spatio-temporal analysis of ISIL, Robert Riley Strider
Analysis of Bioaccumulation of Selenium Diets in Brook Trout (Salvelnius Fontinalis), Kyle Aaron Tasker
A Robust Framework for Mining YouTube Data, Zifeng Tian
"God, Mother and Island Creek": The Story of Holden Central School and the Emergence of Nurturing Paternalism, Harley D. Walden
West Virginia needle exchange program, Briana Washington and Sara Johnson
Surviving Fallout in Appalachia: An Examination of Class Differences within Civil Defense Preparation in West Virginia During the Early Years of the Cold War, Tristan Miranda Williams
Does Rotem-Guided Therapy Influence Postoperative Chest Tube Output in On-pump CABG?, Preston Franklin Woodburn-Camp
The role of oxidation-sensitive nociception and epigenetics in endometriosis-associated pain, Kristeena Ray Wright
Relationship between media use and cultural adjustment: A study on international students at Marshall University, Haruka Yanagihara
A simple embedded atom potential for palladium-hydride, Yang Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Electromyography study of muscle fatigue during isometric exercises in swimmers and non-swimmers, Tiffany Aeling
Syntheses and characterization of [4]Ferrocenophane, Ahmed Sabah Al-doori
Analyzing Pterosaur Ontogeny and Sexual Dimorphism with Multivariate Allometry, Erick Charles Anderson
Preschool to School: Transition through the Eyes of Teachers, Ruthann Arneson
The decisive kingdom from soft to hard power, Abdullah Ali Asiri
Implementation and Perceived Effectiveness of Distributed Leadership in RESA 1 Schools in Southern West Virginia, Ingrida Barker
Women Leading to Make a Difference: An Inside Look at a Strength-based Home Visiting Program in Rural Appalachia, Kathy J. Bialk
A Generalization of the Difference of Slopes Test to Poisson Regression with Three-Way Interaction, Melinda Bierhals
Principals' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of the JROTC Program, Patty Jean Blake
Effectiveness of an Online FERPA Training Program, Sonja G. Cantrell
The Effects of Students' Perceptions of Campus Safety and Security on Student Enrollment, Brian Andrew Carrico
Higher education administrators' perspective on service learning, Briana Cicero-Johns
The Relation of Dropout Prevention Programs in West Virginia Schools to Dropout Rates and Principal Perceptions of Effectiveness, Vicky Callison Cline
Attitudes Toward Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Miranda Lea Cobb
When Party Does Not Matter: An Examination of Conditions that Influence a Senator to Vote Against Party Leadership, Alexander Phillip Collins
A Coprological Survey of Golden Mantled Howler Monkeys (Alouatta palliata palliata) in the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, Jess M. Conatser
Effect of Wh-Question Graphic Organizer on Reading Comprehension in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Josh Connelly
The Human Manager: Consent Deal, Informal Organization and Routinization, Jennifer Lynn Conrad
Fluency Interventions and the Impact on Comprehension, Colleen Cook
Adult neural stem cell differentiation and signaling is disrupted by low-level silver nanoparticle exposure in vitro, Robert Jefferson Cooper
Age of Kindergarten Entry and Rate of Specific Learning Disabilities, Elizabeth A. Crum
"Or this whole affair is a failure": a special treasury agent's observations of the Port Royal Experiment, Port Royal, South Carolina, April to May, 1862, Michael Edward Scott Emett
Supportive Leadership: The Principal's Role in Beginning Teacher Retention, Kelli LeAnn Epling
A Mechanical Investigation of Second Order Homogeneous Dynamic Equations on a Time Scale, Jacob E. Fischer
Improving Vocabulary Comprehension for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Students, Tammy Gallion
Bodybuilding is an art and your body is the canvas: an examination of bodybuilders and the built body, Caitlin Greaf
Principal Perceptions of Standards-Based Teacher Evaluation in West Virginia, Brent Douglas Griffith
Testing the Efficacy of Anuran Callback Surveys, Matthew S. Grisnik