Date of Award


Degree Name

School Psychology


Graduate School of Education and Professional Development

Type of Degree


Document Type


First Advisor

Sandra Stroebel

Second Advisor

Lanai Jennings

Third Advisor

Conrae Lucas


The present study evaluated the professional development provided by the West Virginia School Psychologists Association (WVSPA) in 2016. A 2011 survey was revised and distributed to all members of the WVSPA. West Virginia school psychologists rated the overall WVSPA’s professional development for the last few years as ‘good’. Participants rated WVSPA services as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ with the exception of the resources available through the WVSPA website. Most participants rated this area as ‘fair’, showing that it would be a major recommendation for WVSPA revision. In addition, topics suggested as needing more coverage in future conferences include: emotional behavioral disorder, other low incidence disabilities, consultation, prevention, and behavioral interventions. It should be noted that two obstacles to attending the WVSPA conferences are the timing of the Spring conference and the costs associated with the conferences. Although they were seen as the biggest obstacles, the percentages of participants that viewed these as obstacles were still very low. Another area examined by the study was how often school districts fund professional development related costs. Most districts always pay for the spring and fall conferences, regional meetings, and travel/lodging to conferences and meetings. Courses and fees associated with national certification and NASP conferences are not paid for by most districts. Finally, the study also showed that most participants preferred faceto-face formats for professional development.


West Virginia School Psychologists Association.

School psychologists -- Training of.
