Date of Award


Degree Name

Special Education


College of Education

Type of Degree


Document Type

Research Paper

First Advisor

Lori Howard


The demands for general education teachers to meet the diverse needs of their students has increased greatly over recent years. The attitudes of these teachers towards the practice of inclusion greatly influences the successful of inclusion itself. In this study the attitudes of teachers towards inclusion was investigated. Findings indicated that teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion are split. Teachers’ attitudes towards specific disabilities are clear. Findings indicate more teachers believe students with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, visual and hearing impairments, communication disorders and health impairments should be educated in a regular classroom where students with mental impairments (cognitive disabilities/developmental delay), behavioral disorders and multi-disabled students should not be educated in regular classrooms. Discussion of these findings are provided. Since teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion vary, more research is needed to further clarify degrees of negative attitudes and causes for these attitudes and to replicate these results.


CISP 615 Special Education Research


Inclusive education.

Teachers -- Attitudes.
