Guide to the Preachers
Robert Ellison
The User Guide for the Library of Appalachian Preaching is a Google Sheet that can be searched, sorted, and downloaded for offline use.
This part of the Guide is a master list of preachers included in the Library. It includes the preachers' names, faith traditions, states with which they are most closely associated, and the centuries during which they worked. There is also a master list of sermons, with sermon titles, scripture texts, dates and places the sermons were preached, and so on.
Guide to the Sermons
Robert Ellison
The User Guide for the Library of Appalachian Preaching is a Google Sheet that can be searched, sorted, and downloaded for offline use.
This part of the Guide is a master list of sermons; it contains all of the data in the master list of preachers, along with sermon title, scripture text, date and place the sermon was preached, and so on.
These User Guides are intended to make the collection easier to search and navigate. They will be updated frequently, as additional materials are placed online.
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