Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: The Song as Text for Student Analysis Workshop

Participation Type


Session Title

Session 10.10 Education

Session Abstract or Summary

In keeping with the conference theme and my own experience teaching African-American protest, and environmental justice literature, I propose to lead a workshop titled, The Song as Text for Student Analysis, that features a Song Analysis Worksheet I developed and use. Students may frequently listen to songs, but unless they play an instrument, they may know little to nothing about how music, lyrics, and performance combine to form a unique text, or how to translate this knowledge once they have it into written language. The use of metaphor is an important part of this knowledge transfer. In this interactive workshop we will listen to a selection of songs, analyze them using a 4-page worksheet, and discuss our results. This workshop is designed for teachers of writing and literature (high school to college) who include, or would like to include, songs as one or more of their course texts. No music knowledge needed! The worksheet focuses on music, lyrics, and the relationship between the two and with other texts. I will provide worksheet copies, songs, lyrics, and a Resources sheet. Once back on their own campuses, participants are welcome to use or adapt the worksheet as meets their needs, or use it as a model to develop their own.

About the Presenter

Rhonda S. PettitFollow

Presentation #1 Title

The Song as Text for Student Analysis Workshop

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

Through hands-on practice, this workshop teaches participants how to use a Song Analysis Worksheet in their writing and literature courses where songs are among the assigned texts. Participants can then teach their students to use the worksheet I developed, and revise it as needed for their teaching purposes. Workshop abstract is the same as that above under Session Abstract.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Rhonda Pettit is a professor of English and Women's Studies at the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College, where she is currently using environmental justice as a theme in her classes. She is the editor of the Blue Ash Review, and has published both literary criticism and poetry, most recently a chapbook, Fetal Waters.

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Mar 29th, 10:45 AM Mar 29th, 12:00 PM

The Song as Text for Student Analysis Workshop

Through hands-on practice, this workshop teaches participants how to use a Song Analysis Worksheet in their writing and literature courses where songs are among the assigned texts. Participants can then teach their students to use the worksheet I developed, and revise it as needed for their teaching purposes. Workshop abstract is the same as that above under Session Abstract.