Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: The Gullet Clay Family in Kentucky; A Story of Survival and Migration

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Session Title


About the Presenter

Breanna AndersonFollow

Presentation #1 Title

The Gullet Clay Family in Kentucky; A Story of Survival and Migration

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

This poster reveals the family history of the Gullet and Clay families in Kentucky. Justine Gullet Clay migrated from Mcgoffin County to Floyd County to Greenup County after experiencing slavery, working in a boarding house as a child, and running away from the mountain farm she was a slave too. It is significant to the Appalachian Studies community because it creates new knowledge about child labor and boarding house in the 1930s, and it also provides first hand accounts of migration and survival. This poster serves as a historic map to a complex set of social events often misunderstood in the region.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Breanna Anderson is a freshman at Virginia Tech majoring in Environmental Resource Management. She is interested in Appalachian Studies, forest conservation, and her families roots in Eastern Kentucky. She hopes to minor in forestry and Appalachian Studies.

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Mar 27th, 10:00 AM Mar 27th, 11:15 AM

The Gullet Clay Family in Kentucky; A Story of Survival and Migration

This poster reveals the family history of the Gullet and Clay families in Kentucky. Justine Gullet Clay migrated from Mcgoffin County to Floyd County to Greenup County after experiencing slavery, working in a boarding house as a child, and running away from the mountain farm she was a slave too. It is significant to the Appalachian Studies community because it creates new knowledge about child labor and boarding house in the 1930s, and it also provides first hand accounts of migration and survival. This poster serves as a historic map to a complex set of social events often misunderstood in the region.