Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Creating Cohesive Communities: Promoting the Utilization of Public Artworks for Regional Development

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Session Title


Presentation #1 Title

Creating Cohesive Communities: Promoting the Utilization of Public Artworks for Regional Development

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

This presentation explores the concept of employing the visual arts as an emerging force for community advancement and solidarity in Appalachia. The project analyzed the success, influence and scope of Northern Ireland’s utilization of public art as a progressive device in their domestic “Peace through the Arts” programs; the collected analysis is being used to relate direct strategies for regional development to the US region of Appalachia- primarily Eastern Kentucky. Research was conducted in collaboration with a range of individuals and organizations, including the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, the Braid Arts Centre in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, as well as various regional artists in Appalachia, the Eastern Kentucky Arts Project, the Kentucky Arts Council and the Kentucky Foundation for Women. This project has produced a framework of effective strategies for artists in the region to collaboratively create public art pieces as a means of connecting and enhancing Appalachian communities by critically analyzing the successes of Northern Ireland’s public artwork programs.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Kristin Busby is a sophomore visual arts major studying at Morehead State University. As a resident of Eastern Kentucky, she is highly interested in utilizing the arts as a catalyst for social change and community development in the region.

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Mar 27th, 10:00 AM Mar 27th, 11:15 AM

Creating Cohesive Communities: Promoting the Utilization of Public Artworks for Regional Development

This presentation explores the concept of employing the visual arts as an emerging force for community advancement and solidarity in Appalachia. The project analyzed the success, influence and scope of Northern Ireland’s utilization of public art as a progressive device in their domestic “Peace through the Arts” programs; the collected analysis is being used to relate direct strategies for regional development to the US region of Appalachia- primarily Eastern Kentucky. Research was conducted in collaboration with a range of individuals and organizations, including the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, the Braid Arts Centre in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, as well as various regional artists in Appalachia, the Eastern Kentucky Arts Project, the Kentucky Arts Council and the Kentucky Foundation for Women. This project has produced a framework of effective strategies for artists in the region to collaboratively create public art pieces as a means of connecting and enhancing Appalachian communities by critically analyzing the successes of Northern Ireland’s public artwork programs.