Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Music As a Chracter in Appalachian Literature

Participation Type


Session Title

Session 1.01 Literature

Presentation #1 Title

Music As a Chracter in Appalachian Literature

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

The presenter will analyze five contemporary literary works by Appalachian writers that include music as a character or as a voice for silent characters. The presentation will identify the significance of music in noted Appalachian literature (1) to establish Scottish and Irish roots in balladry (2) to draw characters toward the music, and as a result, to develop connections with other characters (3) to help characters find their own voices and identities and (4) to confirm a sense of place in Appalachia for the characters. The literary pieces include Deliverance by James Dickey, Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier, Songcatcher by Sharyn McCrumb, The Cove by Ron Rash, and Guests on Earth by Lee Smith.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Vicki Collins teaches English at The University of South Carolina Aiken. She is currently working on a manuscript about specific character types in Appalachian literature.

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Mar 27th, 10:00 AM Mar 27th, 11:15 AM

Music As a Chracter in Appalachian Literature

The presenter will analyze five contemporary literary works by Appalachian writers that include music as a character or as a voice for silent characters. The presentation will identify the significance of music in noted Appalachian literature (1) to establish Scottish and Irish roots in balladry (2) to draw characters toward the music, and as a result, to develop connections with other characters (3) to help characters find their own voices and identities and (4) to confirm a sense of place in Appalachia for the characters. The literary pieces include Deliverance by James Dickey, Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier, Songcatcher by Sharyn McCrumb, The Cove by Ron Rash, and Guests on Earth by Lee Smith.