Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: New Sustenance for Appalachia’s Arts and Culture

Participation Type


Session Title

Session 6.02 Mass Media

Presentation #1 Title

New Sustenance for Appalachia’s Arts and Culture

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

This current case study introduces and outlines an arts and culture alliance initiated by AppCable, a newly created cable television station housed in the Appalachian State University Department of Communication. AppCable programming will focus on growing and sustaining this arts and culture alliance between the university and local/regional arts organizations by providing a go-to channel for local and regional arts and cultural programming. [The channel will be carried on the dominant regional cable service provider, Charter Communication, as well as being streamed online.] The cornerstone of this effort is a “town-gown” alliance between AppCable, Appalachian State University’s Office of Arts and Cultural Programs, and the Appalachian Theatre, the historic theater in downtown Boone, NC, which is being restored and re-envisioned by a group of volunteers after years of neglect. The theater itself will become a permanent home for Mountain Home Music, which AppCable television will co-produce using university students, faculty and staff. As AppCable grows, it will bring together content from other existing regional arts and cultural entities as a way to sustain the arts and culture of Appalachia. The initial alliance between the university and the Appalachian Theatre has support from both Appalachian State University and The Appalachian Theatre.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Dr. Janice Pope, former department chair and current faculty member of the Department of Communication at Appalachian State University, is serving as ad hoc arts and cultural programming director for AppCable television.

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Mar 28th, 1:00 PM Mar 28th, 2:15 PM

New Sustenance for Appalachia’s Arts and Culture

This current case study introduces and outlines an arts and culture alliance initiated by AppCable, a newly created cable television station housed in the Appalachian State University Department of Communication. AppCable programming will focus on growing and sustaining this arts and culture alliance between the university and local/regional arts organizations by providing a go-to channel for local and regional arts and cultural programming. [The channel will be carried on the dominant regional cable service provider, Charter Communication, as well as being streamed online.] The cornerstone of this effort is a “town-gown” alliance between AppCable, Appalachian State University’s Office of Arts and Cultural Programs, and the Appalachian Theatre, the historic theater in downtown Boone, NC, which is being restored and re-envisioned by a group of volunteers after years of neglect. The theater itself will become a permanent home for Mountain Home Music, which AppCable television will co-produce using university students, faculty and staff. As AppCable grows, it will bring together content from other existing regional arts and cultural entities as a way to sustain the arts and culture of Appalachia. The initial alliance between the university and the Appalachian Theatre has support from both Appalachian State University and The Appalachian Theatre.