Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Preserving Highland Culture: Castles in the Carpathian Mountains

Participation Type


Session Title

Session 10.09 Historic Sites: New Approaches to Culture Preservation and Education in the Ukrainian Carpathians

Session Abstract or Summary

The session will be dedicated to the new approaches to culture preservation and education in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The first presenter will speak about heritage sights in the Ukrainian Carpathians and their role in preserving culture of highland communities. The development of our civilization brings up the need to address issues related to the preservation of cultural diversity and cultural identity in conditions in which the consumer culture and the processes of globalization continue to expand. World development is the external factor that has a significant impact on the nature and direction of historical and cultural processes in social order. This particular factor contains substantial destructive trends of unification of the cultural space, facing a nation-state with the problem of preserving their own cultural identity in the international arena as well as supporting the cultural diversity in society. To cultural heritage also assigns historical sights - castles that have historical and social impact. The role of Transcarpathian castles is characterized in the presentation as an important way of preserving the culture of the rural population in the mountain area.

The second presenter will speak about family traditions and customs and their role in educating and upbringing highland students of the Ukrainian Carpathians.

The third presentation will provide information on how the Ukrainian Diaspora has preserved their unique culture and traditions in Appalachia.

Presentation #1 Title

Preserving Highland Culture: Castles in the Carpathian Mountains

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

The development of our civilization brings up the need to address issues related to the preservation of cultural diversity and cultural identity in conditions in which the consumer culture and the processes of globalization continue to expand. This particular factor contains substantial destructive trends of unification of the cultural space, facing a nation-state with the problem of preserving their own cultural identity in the international arena as well as supporting the cultural diversity in society. To cultural heritage also assigns historical sights - castles that have historical and social impact. Historical and cultural monuments such as museums and expositions are important for tourist routes in Transcarpathia. They are considered to be valuable sources for developing tourism, as well as the cultural and economical development of the region.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Marianna Marusynets , Institute for Pedagogical Studies and Adult Education of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

2005 - 2010 Holds a master degree in Philology and teacher of German language and world literature, obtained atVasylStefanykPrecarpathianNationalUniversity, Ivano-Frankivsk.

2009 - 2011 Externally studied second higher education with the specialization

«Elementary learning and practical psychology» and has obtained a Bachelors qualification in pedagogy at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev

2010 - 2013 postgraduate student at the Department of General and Germanic Linguistics Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk

Work Experience

2013-Assistant of International Affairs and Grants Office TheNationalAcademyofUkraineKyivUniversityof Law

2014-Institute for Pedagogical Studies and Adult Education ofNationalAcademyof Pedagogical Sciences ofUkraine

Presentation #2 Title

Family Traditions and Customs in Educating Students of the Ukrainian Carpathians

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Lesia Boiko, Children Art House Teacher in Ivano-Frankivsk, graduated from Precarpathian University, major-music

Presentation #3 Title

Ukrainian Diaspora in Appalachia: Preserving Roots

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #3

Oksana Nych, instructor at Precarpathian University.

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Mar 29th, 10:45 AM Mar 29th, 12:00 PM

Preserving Highland Culture: Castles in the Carpathian Mountains

The development of our civilization brings up the need to address issues related to the preservation of cultural diversity and cultural identity in conditions in which the consumer culture and the processes of globalization continue to expand. This particular factor contains substantial destructive trends of unification of the cultural space, facing a nation-state with the problem of preserving their own cultural identity in the international arena as well as supporting the cultural diversity in society. To cultural heritage also assigns historical sights - castles that have historical and social impact. Historical and cultural monuments such as museums and expositions are important for tourist routes in Transcarpathia. They are considered to be valuable sources for developing tourism, as well as the cultural and economical development of the region.