Marshall Digital Scholar - ASA Annual Conference: Music Traditions in the Ukrainian Carpathians

Participation Type


Session Title

Session 7.03 Music: Music of the Carpathian Mountains

Session Abstract or Summary

The session will be dedicated to the music of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The presenters of the above session will speak about folk music of this highland region. The emphasis is made on music traditions which have been preserved by local Carpathian highlanders for many years. During the session you will get a unique chance to hear some of the traditional “hutsulian” (local Carpathian) music performed live by a leading Ukrainian national vocal assemble “Hutsulochka”. Presenters will also speak about traditional folk music instruments peculiar for the above highland region and the role of music in the life of local Carpathian communities. Thus, you will have a unique opportunity to run parallels with music traditions of the Appalachian communities.

You will also see power point presentations about both the role of local community in preserving folk music instruments and the role of highland music in everyday life of the Carpathian highlanders.

One of the presenters will make a presentation about highland music used for recreational and rehabilitation purposes. This presentation highlights the impact of music as an instrument of the so-called “vibration healing” on human health. Music therapy as a health preserving technology reveals the possibilities of the Ukrainian Carpathians traditional music use in the process of stimulation and rehabilitation of a human being.

The third presenter will share experience one of the leading museums (Roman Kumlyk Museum of Highland Musical Instruments) is using in collecting and preserving folk music instruments.

Presentation #1 Title

Music Traditions in the Ukrainian Carpathians

Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

The presentation is about music traditions in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The emphasis is made on music traditions which have been preserved by local highlanders in the Carpathian Mountains for many years. You will have a unique chance to compare musical instruments, and culture in the lives of both Appalachian and Carpathian communities.During this presentation you will hear some of the traditional “hutsulian” (local Carpathian) music performed live by a leading Ukrainian national vocal assemble “Hutsulochka”.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Maria Klepar, associate professor at Precarpathian National University (Ukraine), honored cultural worker, director of Ukrainian national vocal assemble "Gutsulochka"

Presentation #2 Title

Highland Music: Means of Stimulation and Rehabilitation of the Child

Presentation #2 Abstract or Summary

This presentation is about highland music used for recreational and rehabilitation purposes. It highlights the impact of music as an instrument of the so-called “vibration healing” on human health. Music therapy as a health preserving technology reveals the possibilities of the Ukrainian Carpathians traditional music use in the process of stimulation and rehabilitation of a human being.

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #2

Larysa Slyvka, associate professor at Precarpathian National University (Ukraine)

Presentation #3 Title

Implementation of International Experience in Collecting and Preserving Folk Music Instruments in Roman Kumlyk Museum

Presentation #3 Abstract or Summary

This presentation is about implementation of International Experience in Collecting and Preserving Folk Music Instruments by Roman Kumlyk Museum

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #3

Andriy Chervinsky, postgraduate at Precarpathian National University (Ukraine)

Presentation #4 Title

Musical Folklore Art of the Carpathian Mountains

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #4

Nadia Kindrat, postgraduate student at Precarpathian National University (Ukraine)

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Mar 28th, 2:30 PM Mar 28th, 3:45 PM

Music Traditions in the Ukrainian Carpathians

The presentation is about music traditions in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The emphasis is made on music traditions which have been preserved by local highlanders in the Carpathian Mountains for many years. You will have a unique chance to compare musical instruments, and culture in the lives of both Appalachian and Carpathian communities.During this presentation you will hear some of the traditional “hutsulian” (local Carpathian) music performed live by a leading Ukrainian national vocal assemble “Hutsulochka”.