"Multiple transcripts of a gene for a leucine-rich repeat receptor kina" by C. L. Basset, M. L. Nickerson et al.

Multiple transcripts of a gene for a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase from morning glory ( Ipomoea nil ) originate from different TATA boxes in a tissue-specific manner

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Publication Date

Summer 6-19-2004


TATA boxes are the most common regulatory elements found in the promoters of eukaryotic genes because they are associated with basal transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II. Often only a single TATA element is found in a given promoter, and tissue-, stage- and/or stimulus-specific expression occurs because the TATA box is associated with other cis -acting elements that enhance or repress transcription. We used software tools for gene analysis to assist in locating potential TATA box(es) in an AT-rich region of the promoter of a gene, inrpk1, which codes for a leucine-rich receptor protein kinase in morning glory (Ipomoea nil). Through the use of RT-PCR and various combinations of forward primers bracketing most of the promoter region we were able to define the 5'-ends of transcripts in this region. The region was then targeted for analysis by RNA Ligase-Mediated-5' Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RLM-5 RACE) to identify the transcript initiation site(s). Positioning of initiation sites with respect to TATA boxes identified by gene analysis tools allowed us to identify three operational TATA elements which regulate basal transcription from this gene. Two TATA boxes were responsible for all of the inrpk1 transcripts found in leaves and cotyledons, and about 25-30% of the transcripts in roots. A third TATA box was involved only in expression in roots and accounted for the remaining 50-70% of root transcripts. RNAs expressed from this element lack two potentially functional upstream AUG codons, and may be translated more efficiently than transcripts originating from the other TATA boxes.


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