"New distributions for 24 species of <em>Calceolaria</em> (Calceolariac" by Pamela Puppo

New distributions for 24 species of Calceolaria (Calceolariaceae) in Peru and first record of Calceolaria perfoliata

Secondary Title

New distributions for 24 species of Calceolaria (Calceolariaceae) in Peru and first record of Calceolaria perfoliata

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Publication Date



Resumen Se registra por primera vez la presencia de 24 especies de Calceolaria para 15 departamentos de Perú y se registra la presencia de C. perfoliata en este país. Adicionalmente, se da un listado completo de las 123 especies presentes en el Perú, su distribución geográfica actualizada, y se hace un análisis general de la diversidad de este género por departamento.

Palabras clave: Calceolaria, Scrophulariaceae, biodiversidad, nuevos registros, Perú.

Abstract Twenty four species of Calceolaria are recorded for the first time for 15 departments of Peru and the presence of C. perfoliata is reported in this country. In addition, a list with the 123 species present in Peru is included along with their current geographical distribution. A general analysis of the genus diversity per department is done.


Copyright © 2010 Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas UNMSM.
