The False Prosperity Gospel

Presenter Information

Jonathan ButcherFollow

Document Type

Panel Presentation


Prosperity, Gospel, False


I grew up in Poca, West Virginia as a pastor’s son. Since I’ve attended Marshall my passion and understanding for the bible has grown and I want to analyze a false version of it in this project.


Public Communication

Advisor for this project

Camilla Brammer


The purpose of my research is to analyze the Biblical Gospel texts and use them to evaluate “Prosperity Gospel” writings and teachings. Through this analysis I hope to expose the flaws and intents behind the prosperity gospel as false in contrast to the Gospel it claims to follow. I believe there is evidence, when carefully and critically examined, that the prosperity gospel is using the biblical texts as a means to prey on the financially disadvantaged and spiritually weak. The end goal of my research, therefore, is to bring attention to the issue.

In my research I will be conducting an analysis of the texts in the NIV Bible and be comparing it to various literature surrounding the prosperity gospel. I will be comparing the texts and exposing flaws and intentions within the prosperity teachings. I will also, outside of the texts, be briefly looking at outside factors and statistics that point to the falsehood and wrongdoing of the prosperity gospel.

In this project I will not be using human subjects, so the risks are minimal to none. The potential benefits are the freeing of prosperity rhetoric for some of its current disciples.

Given that this project is entirely based around textual and factual analysis, there will be no human subjects.

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The False Prosperity Gospel

The purpose of my research is to analyze the Biblical Gospel texts and use them to evaluate “Prosperity Gospel” writings and teachings. Through this analysis I hope to expose the flaws and intents behind the prosperity gospel as false in contrast to the Gospel it claims to follow. I believe there is evidence, when carefully and critically examined, that the prosperity gospel is using the biblical texts as a means to prey on the financially disadvantaged and spiritually weak. The end goal of my research, therefore, is to bring attention to the issue.

In my research I will be conducting an analysis of the texts in the NIV Bible and be comparing it to various literature surrounding the prosperity gospel. I will be comparing the texts and exposing flaws and intentions within the prosperity teachings. I will also, outside of the texts, be briefly looking at outside factors and statistics that point to the falsehood and wrongdoing of the prosperity gospel.

In this project I will not be using human subjects, so the risks are minimal to none. The potential benefits are the freeing of prosperity rhetoric for some of its current disciples.

Given that this project is entirely based around textual and factual analysis, there will be no human subjects.