
Aims & Scope

Critical Humanities (CH) provides a discursive space to the researchers and writers whose work analyses and explores the culture, history, and literature of the Global South. The journal also welcomes scholarship that engages with the American South and ethnic, immigrant, and indigenous America. While revising and extending the debates surrounding the so-called north-south dialogue, the journal promotes comparative examinations and investigations devoted to building conceptual bridges across multiple locations both within and outside the areas generally known as the Global South. CHencourages scholars to submit their original research and writings that address the debates and issues crucial to communities and constituencies such as Appalachia, Borderlands, First Nations, individuals with disabilities, LGBTQ+, and the working class.

Convinced that the Humanities have never been not in crisis, CH is determined to offer researchers a platform for meditation and critical reflection on the future of the Humanities, higher education, and the planet. The journal seeks contributions from a diverse and multi-disciplinary ensemble of researchers and scholars who explore and examine the most compelling issues of our time. Not affiliated with a particular discipline, ideology or school of theory, CH seeks to showcase scholarship produced by researchers from a wide range of fields, disciplines and schools of theory including environmental studies, gender and sexuality studies, disability studies, diversity and inclusion, cosmopolitanism, transnationalism, posthumanism, digital humanities and decolonization.

CH publishes double-blind peer-reviewed academic articles, essays, and papers; it also features reviews of books published in the field of the Humanities and the Social Sciences. Interviews with authors, artists, filmmakers, and musicians are also published regularly. CH is committed to promoting and publishing innovative, experimental, multimodal, and auto-ethnographic research and writings. All published Volumes and Issues are archived by bepress Digital Commons.