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The objective of this study was to evaluate blood and bodily fluids exposure through needlestick injuries (NSI) and non-percutaneous incidents among healthcare workers (HCWs). This project utilized a dataset collected from J. W. Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, West Virginia, between January 1, 2014 and August 15, 2017. Data included de-identified codes of employees, occupations, types of exposure to bloodborne pathogens, routes of exposure, infectious disease exposures, and time incidents. During this time period, 655 incident reports were documented and finalized in regards to blood or body fluid exposure. HCWs had 506 (77.25%) NSIs and 149 (22.74%) non-percutaneous incidents. The majority of the HCWs (331,50.53%) were nurses who were occupationally exposed, with 239 (47.23%) incidents reporting NSIs and 92 (61.74%) incidents reporting non-percutaneous exposures. Chi-square tests were used, and there was a statistically significant association between occupations and exposure incidents (P-value p=


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