Marshall Digital Humanities Virtual Conference | Conferences | Marshall University


The Marshall Digital Humanities Virtual Conference is an opportunity to share research and connect with other scholars during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to COVID-19, spring conference season has not turned out as planned. Conference organizers have cancelled or postponed events in an effort to minimize the spread of the virus. University officials have recommended that faculty and staff work from home, when possible. Social distancing has meant fewer occasions to meet face-to-face with colleagues and friends. However, this virtual conference provides an opportunity for scholars to share their work with others.

The virtual conference, sponsored by Marshall Digital Humanities, is open to all topics and disciplines. We invite full-text papers; visual, audio, and video presentations; posters; panels; roundtables; and other conference/symposium materials. Rather than abstracts alone, this virtual conference site will collect full presentations to instigate a conversation about the work scholars are doing at this time. While the Marshall Digital Humanities Virtual Conference was created to make a place for those presentations that were cancelled, we welcome any original research projects interested in being part of a scholarly conversation. Please note: in order to avoid duplication, participants may not wish to submit presentations for conferences that have been postponed (rather than cancelled) or presentations that the scholar intends to submit to a future conference.

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