Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 1-1990


Although my grandfather had made his fortune in trade, I had been educated as a gentleman and at first I expected Flora society to accept me as such. After a youth spent in Paris and Vienna, I was anyone's equal in deportment. My attire, always elegant without flashiness, had elsewhere disarmed the stuffiest arbiters. So when with a lover's shyness I followed the Lady Celia into the Contessa di Filipini's salon at Flora, I was not expecting difficulties from the threadbare remnants of aristocracy which infested that small city. I took no special notice of Prospero until the night he shattered my life.


The Mythic Circled is published by the Mythopoeic Society. The version of record is available from the publisher at Copyright © 1990 Mythic Circle. Printed with permission. All rights reserved.
