



The presence of vestigial serrula on the ventral edge of the cheliceral movable finger is established for vaejovid genera Paravaejovis, Paruroctonus, Smeringurus, and Vejovoidus. Detailed descriptions and SEM images illustrating the various manifestations of this interesting cheliceral structure are provided for many species of these four genera. A brief systematic overview of this structure as it exists in Recent scorpions is also presented.

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High Resolution File part 1

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High Resolution File part 2

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High Resolution File part 3

p2006_49.high4.pdf (5497 kB)
High Resolution File part 4

p2006_49.high5.pdf (4286 kB)
High Resolution File part 5

p2006_49.high6.pdf (5427 kB)
High Resolution File part 6
