Two of Fischbach's books--Talks for Children on Christian Ideals and The Children's Moment--are still under copyright protection. Scans thus cannot be included in the Library, but information about the sermons is included in the User Guides. Researchers may contact the Special Collections Department to learn more about these books.
Fischbach User Guide
Robert H. Ellison
The User Guide for the Library of Appalachian Preaching is a Google Sheet that can be searched, sorted, and downloaded for offline use.
This part of the Guide provides information about Fischbach's sermons. It includes the title, sermon text, date and place the sermon was preached, and so on. This information is available in the master list of sermons as well.
Children's Sermons in Stories
Julius Fischbach
The Preface states that “The stories presented in this collection were given to the children of the First Baptist Church, Lansing, Michigan, during the morning worship programs” (p. 7). They were intended to be “always in harmony with the theme of the morning sermon,” and to add “color and attractiveness” to the messages delivered to the adults (p. 8).
The sermons were delivered outside Appalachia, but Fischbach has significant ties to the region, so they can be included in the Library.
Sermonettes for Boys and Girls
Julius Fischbach
According to a newspaper article included in Marshall’s copy of the book, Sermonettes is the “third of Dr. Fischbach’s books to be published in the field of religious teaching for boys and girls.” As he writes in the Foreword, “It is hoped that many of the boys and girls themselves will honor the book by reading its pages. It has been a labor of love, because there is no finer audience than the children of our churches and our firesides.”
It is likely that the sermons were delivered outside Appalachia. Fischbach, however, has significant ties to the region, so they can be included in the Library.
Story Sermons for Boys and Girls
Julius Fischbach
As stated in the Foreword, “The story sermons in these pages were told to boys and girls in the midst of a church family during the morning worship. The subject illustrated in each case, and the scripture text used, were in harmony with the subject and text of the sermon later delivered to the adults” (p. 7).
Note: An account is required to "borrow'" this book from the Internet Archive.
Squaring Up: Fifty Talks to Juniors
Julius Fischbach
In the Foreword, the editors describe this collection as a “series of simple and interesting talks” that shows how much Fischbach “understands and likes boys and girls.” A newspaper clipping pasted into the inside back cover ends with “We congratulate him upon this contribution of his to the children’s work not alone in our church but throughout the denomination as well.”
It is likely that the sermons were delivered outside Appalachia. Fischbach, however, has significant ties to the region, so they can be included in the Library.