"Jerome Gilbert: In the spirit of John Marshall, a creed to be admired " by Jerome A. Gilbert PhD

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 7-5-2016



Just a few months into my presidency I came across the Marshall University Creed in the student handbook and was touched by what it says about the basic values of our university. I have since cited the Creed in a number of speeches I've given and have it featured on our website at marshall.edu/president.

The Creed references drawing inspiration from the university's namesake, U.S. Chief Justice John Marshall, who helped frame our nation's judicial branch and ensure the Constitution remains a strong guide to our government. It states that we not only are developing the intellects of our students, staff, and faculty, but also are creating new knowledge, defending individual rights, and exercising civic responsibility. It further describes the traits members of the Marshall community strive to exemplify, including "independence, initiative, achievement, ethical integrity, and commitment to community through association and service."


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