"Davidson and a Twist of Wittgenstein: Metaontology, Self-Canceling Pa" by Jeremy Barris

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The paper proposes with Davidson that the talk of metaontology is literally meaningless, but with Wittgenstein that it is so in a way that grants a unique type of insight. More specifically, it argues both that Davidson’s arguments have a cogency that is hard to dismiss, and also that, since his own arguments are metaontological, they are self-referential, and consequently in turn undermine their own meaning as well. The paper argues further that metaontological statements cannot be avoided. Consequently, this kind of statement constitutes an unavoidable self-referential paradox that means what it also excludes as capable of meaning. The result is a reinstatement of the meaning of ontological insight and in fact, the paper argues, a deep enrichment and also a particularly cogent justification of it. In addition, the logical peculiarity of the paradox involved has further useful consequences for the outcome of this justification, including a mutually illuminating commonality with some versions of metaethics.


This is the author’s accepted manuscript. The version of record is available from the publisher at https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-017-9928-7. Copyright © Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature 2017. All rights reserved.

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