"Screening Mammograms in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients" by George M. Yousef, Piyush Sovani et al.

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Very little guidance exists to help clinicians and families decide whether mammograms are useful in elderly women with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). We present a case of a patient with moderate AD who had a positive mammogram and discuss the dilemma faced by the family and clinician in deciding what was best to do for the patient. In this case, the family opted for breast conserving surgery (BCS) followed by palliative care which brought up the question of whether screening was appropriate with this treatment goal in mind. We reviewed the literature on AD and breast cancer screening and summarize these findings in our discussion.


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Copyright © West Virginia State Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Available online at http://www.wvsma.com/Portals/0/MayJune2012.pdf

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