"“The Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge in Contemporary Mexico in El" by Ida Day

Document Type

Book Review

Publication Date



The author applies an ecocritical perspective to the study of Javier Castellanos' 1988 monograph of Yojovi corn farmers' testimonies, El cultivo del maíz en Yojovi. The author's ecocritical lens establishes Yojovi rights to determine food sustainability practices and to determine land resource use. In particular, the author examines the conflicts between Yojovi knowledge of corn varieties and their cultivation and the pressure to alter their practices to adhere to genetically modified corn crop production. She also reveals the conflicts between Yojovi narratives that situate humans within their natural habitats and the Western scientific paradigm's narratives that tend to separate humans from the natural world.


The copy of record is available from the publisher at https://doi.org/10.18113/P8ik159698. Copyright © 2015 Day.

Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
