Climbers: An Address in The Rodef Shalom Temple, Pittsburgh, Sunday, November 24, 1912

Climbers: An Address in The Rodef Shalom Temple, Pittsburgh, Sunday, November 24, 1912


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This is Series 12, no. 4 of Sunday Lectures before Congregation Rodeph Shalom. The framework of the address is Darwinian evolution; Levy writes that the “climbers” in the title “bear the same relation to the chosen among the human family as the monkey does to man” (p. 13). They are, in his view, the manifestation of all that is wrong with society; people should avoid them and instead focus on “the ‘three R’s,’ Reading, Repose, and Religion” (p. 16). Levy closes with his scripture text (Proverbs 8:25): “‘Whoso findeth wisdom findeth life, and shall obtain favor from the Lord,’ who will bless him and his, here and hereafter” (p. 23).


  • Series 12 has not been digitized in its entirety; this was scanned and uploaded as a stand-alone lecture. A complete list of the lectures in Series 12 appears at the end of Series 13, no. 3.
  • The title Reform Pulpit was added when a complete volume of lectures was published. Single lectures like this one were titled simply Sunday Lectures.

Publication Date





Pittsburgh, PA


Appalachia, Pennsylvania, Joseph Leonard Levy, Reform Judaism, Sermons


Appalachian Studies | Digital Humanities | Other Religion | Rhetoric


Marshall does not own this item. According to WorldCat, the nearest physical copy is at the University of California, Los Angeles. Like all works published in the United States in the early 20th century, it is in the public domain.

Climbers: An Address in The Rodef Shalom Temple, Pittsburgh, Sunday, November 24, 1912
