Jewish Affirmations: III. The Holy Bible

Jewish Affirmations: III. The Holy Bible


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This is Series 2, no. 13 of Sunday Lectures before Congregation Rodeph Shalom. In Levy’s view, the Bible is “the Magna Charta [sic] of human liberty,” the “great Declaration of Human Independence,” and “the text-book on which modern society is built” (p. 7). It may not be “inspired” or “infallible,” as the words were used in his day, but it is “universal” in its message; in the words of his text (Isaiah 40:8), it “shall stand forever” (pp. 3, 16).


  • Series 2 has not been digitized in its entirety; this was scanned and uploaded as a stand-alone lecture. A complete list of the lectures in Series 2 appears at the end of Series 13, no. 3.
  • The title Reform Pulpit was added when a complete volume of lectures was published. Single lectures like this one were titled simply Sunday Lectures.

Publication Date



Charles H. Joseph


Pittsburgh, PA


Appalachia, Pennsylvania, Joseph Leonard Levy, Reform Judaism, Sermons


Appalachian Studies | Digital Humanities | Other Religion | Rhetoric


Marshall does not own this item. According to WorldCat, physical copies of 7 lectures in the “Jewish Affirmations” series are in the New York Public Library. Like all works published in the United States in the early 20th century, these lectures are in the public domain.

Jewish Affirmations: III. The Holy Bible
