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Publication Date
Summer 2015
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology is used by hospital supply chains to track medical products and monitor inventories. Hospitals have also begun incorporating RFID technology as part of their transfusion processes. The purpose of this review was to analyze how healthcare organization supply chains can benefit from the utilization of RFID systems in transfusion service departments. The methodology for this study was a literature review following the steps of a systematic review with a total of 52 sources referenced. RFID technology is used to manage and track blood products from the initial donor phlebotomy to final disposition or product transfusion. RFID-enabled transfusion practices have successfully increased provider productivity and product quality through work-time reduction and error reduction. Findings of this research study suggest that RFID has provided improvements in quality of care and efficiency, while initial costs, security, and privacy appear to be the principal barriers to adoption.
Recommended Citation
Coustasse A., Cunningham B., Deslich S., Willson, E., & Meadows P. “Benefits and barriers of implementation and utilization of radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems in transfusion medicine.” Perspectives in Health Information Management (Summer 2015): 1-17.
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