Aims and Scope | The Mid-Southern Journal of Criminal Justice | Marshall University

Aims and Scope

The Mid-Southern Journal of Criminal Justice is the official journal of the West Virginia Criminal Justice Educators’ Association (WVCJEA). The Mid-Southern Journal of Criminal Justice is an open access, peer-reviewed, annual publication suited for audiences that are academic, practice-oriented, and student-driven. The focus covers a wide array of topics and issues that can be situated in a criminological or criminal justice context. That is, papers may be driven by various theoretical orientations or use a systems approach or practice, allowing for a broad range of methodologies. The aim of The Mid-Southern Journal of Criminal Justice is to serve as a vehicle for the dissemination of information specific to the disciplines of criminology and criminal justice.

Abstracting and Indexing

The Mid-Southern Journal of Criminal Justice is indexed in Google Scholar, CrossRef, and Browzine.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published annually online with free and open access to its contents.

Online ISSN: [to be provided by MU libraries]