"Samuel Little: A Brief Summary and Analysis" by Hannah M. Stephens

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Serial murderers have long been a topic of fascination for both the public and law enforcement. In recent years, more analyses of serial murders have proven valuable to the development of criminal profiles used to apprehend these offenders. Though these analyses involving large samples are extremely valuable to law enforcement, it can be become easy to discount the value of case studies. Many times, case analyses can provide a practical application of developed profiles. In this essay, a case study of Samuel Little, one of the most prominent—yet surprisingly unknown—serial killers, will be discussed in brief. First, this essay will discuss the general trends associated with serial murderers and compare them to Little’s history. Next, Little’s childhood upbringing will be discussed in light of how his early experiences may have influenced his later behavior. The discussion then shifts to his adulthood, with the focus being on his murders. Fourthly, after being incarcerated for three murders, Little’s confessions to ninety other murders will be examined. The summary of Little’s life will then end with a synopsis of his death. The latter half of this essay discusses a brief analysis of Samuel Little’s crimes, including his methodology, victimology, and characteristic behavior. Though not an exhaustive analysis, readers should be able to identify many elements consistent with the typical profile of a serial murderer, as well as some interesting differences.
