Personal Name

Brooke Fisher



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Publication Date

Spring 4-26-2015

Year of Release



Brooke Fisher, mezzo-soprano

William Murphy, piano

This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements of a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in performance.


0 de! mio dolce ardor

0 del mio dolce ardor

bramato oggetto,

L' aura che tu respiri,

alfin respiro.

0 vunque il guardo io giro,

Le tue vaghe sembianze

Amore in me dipinge:

Il mio pensier si finge

Le più liete speranze;

E nel desio che così

m'empie il petto

Cereo te, chiamo te, spero e sospiro.

Oh, desired object

of my sweet ardor,

The air which you breathe,

at last I breathe.

Whenever I turn my glance,

Your lovely features

Paint love for me:

My thoughts imagine

The most happy hopes,

And in the longing which

fills my bosom

I seek you, I call you, I hope, and I sigh.

Trans. Paul Hindemith

Les presents

Si tu demandes quelque soir

Le secret de mon coeur malade,

Je te dirai pour t'emouvoir,

Une très ancienne ballade!

Si tu me parles de tourments,

D'espérance désabuséé,

J'irai te cueillir seulement

Des roses pleines de rosée!

Si pareille à la fleur des morts,

Qui fleurit dans l'exil des tombes,

Tu veux partager mes remords.

Je t'apporterai des colombes!

If you ask some evening

The secret of my sick heart,

I will tell you to move you,

A very old ballad!

If you speak to me of torments,

of hope disillusioned,

I will gather solely for you,

Roses filled with dew!

So similar to flowers for the dead,

That bloom in churchyards,

You would like to share my remorse.

I will bring you some doves!

Trans. Douglas Watt-Carter

Claire de lune

Votre àme est un paysage choisi

Que vont charmant masques

et bergamasques,

Jouant du luth et dansant, et quasi

Tristes sous leurs déguisements fantasques!

Tout en chantant sur le mode mineur

L'amour vainqueur et la vie opportune.

Ils n'ont pas l'air de croire

à leur bonheur,

Et leur chanson se mêle au clair de lune,

Au calme clair de lune triste et beau,

Qui fait rêver, les oiseaux dans les arbres,

Your soul is a select landscape

That is being charmed by maskers

and bergamaks,

Playing the lute and dancing and almost

Sad under their whimsical disguises!

Although singing in a minor key

Of conquering love and seasonable life.

They do not seem to believe

in their happiness,

And their song mingles with the moonlight,

In the calm, sad and beautiful moonlight,

That makes the birds dream in the trees,


Smith Recital Hall


Arts and Humanities | Fine Arts | Music | Music Performance

Marshall University Music Department Presents a Junior Recital, Brooke Fisher, mezzo-soprano
