Man's True Destiny: A Baccalaureate Address, to the First Graduating Class of Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa., August 31st, 1853


Man's True Destiny: A Baccalaureate Address, to the First Graduating Class of Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa., August 31st, 1853


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According to the first paragraph, Nevin delivered this address at the “special and earnest request” of the graduating class (p. 3). He saw this occasion as a kind of transitional moment, marking not only the first graduation for Franklin and Marshall, but also “the last of a whole series of such Classes” of Marshall College, which had merged with Franklin College to form the new institution. His message for the alumni of both schools is that the “true end of [their] being” lies in “seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness” (p. 14). The address was delivered outside Appalachia; it is included in the Library to help illustrate the full range of Nevin’s oratory.

Publication Date



Printed by M. Kieffer & Co.


Chambersburg, PA


Appalachia, Pennsylvania, John Williamson Nevin, Presbyterian Church, Reformed Church in the United States, Sermons


Appalachian Studies | Digital Humanities | Other Religion | Rhetoric


Marshall does not own this book; according to WorldCat, the nearest physical copy is at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Like all other books published in the United States in the 19th century, it is in the public domain.



Man's True Destiny: A Baccalaureate Address, to the First Graduating Class of Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa., August 31st, 1853
