"Oral History Interview: William Allen Cross" by William Allen Cross





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In his interview, William Allen Cross discusses Prohibition and bootlegging in Huntington, West Virginia. Mr. Cross was a theater manager for the Keith Albee Theater (referred to as the State Theater) in Huntington, WV. Although he did not make moonshine, he was a buyer during Prohibition. He discusses how bootleggers sold their whiskey and provides locations for stills. Mr. Cross also focuses on how to make moonshine, whiskey, and wine. He reminiscences about “the Strip” between 10th and 11th Streets in Huntington, WV, that served from 1925-1945 as a red-light, gambling, and bootlegging district. In the audio clip provided, Mr. Cross discusses using a “party system” to purchase moonshine. He also focuses on the social ramifications of buying and consuming moonshine.

Publication Date

Summer 6-13-1974




Huntington, WV, Alcohol, Moonshine, Bootlegging, Prohibition, Keith Albee Theater


Alternative and Complementary Medicine | American Material Culture | American Popular Culture | Appalachian Studies | Oral History | Social History | Theatre History | United States History | Women's History | Women's Studies


Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-158. This interviewer is unknown. MDS exhibit prepared by Jennifer Gehringer, November, 2014.


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Oral History Interview: William Allen Cross
