"Oral History Interview: Reverend Raymond Adkins" by Raymond Adkins


Raymond Adkins


Guy Sutphin



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Reverend Raymond Adkins was born on May 15, 1910, in Louisa, Kentucky. His family moved to West Virginia in 1911. Rev. Adkins had many vocations including working in coal mining, teaching, school administration as a principal, participating in politics, and being a member of the clergy. In his interview, Rev. Adkins discusses the characteristics of Appalachia and Appalachian people and culture. He focuses on one room school houses, Marshall College, Kermit, West Virginia, and Mingo County, West Virginia. In the audio clip provided, Rev. Adkins discusses classroom organization and education in a one room school.

Publication Date

Summer 8-11-1974




Education, one room school houses, teaching, Kermit, WV, Marshall College, coal mining communities compared to holler communities in Mingo County, religion, marriages.

Library of Congress Subjects

Adkins, Raymond J., 1910- -- Autobiography. Marshall University -- Oral histories. First Baptist Church (Welch, W. Va.) -- Oral histories. Depression -- 1929 -- United States -- Oral histories. Baptists -- Clergy -- West Virginia -- Oral histories. Family -- West Virginia -- Oral histories.


Interview is included in the Marshall University Oral History Collection. The index number is OH64-101. This interview was conducted by Guy Sutphin. MDS exhibit prepared by Jennifer Gehringer, November, 2014.


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Streaming Media

Oral History Interview: Reverend Raymond Adkins
